ARS/ Angle Resolved Scattering
The light scattering sensors and scatterometers developed at SpectroNet Jena are sophisticated instruments that go far beyond conventional goniophotometers to meet the requirements. The measurements can be directly linked to results achieved with our laboratory equipment.
ARS (Angel Resolved Scattering)
Focus Scattering Measurements
Measuring light scattering from technical surfaces and optical components places stringent demands on the instrumentation. The main requirements are:
▪ High dynamic range and linearity (at least 5 orders of magnitude)
▪ High sensitivity (noise equivalent ARS ~ 10-5 sr-1) corresponding to low scatter losses and roughness at sub-nanometer level
▪ Characterization of large sample areas (characterization of surface homogeneity and detection of defects)
Fast measurements times (< 1s per measurement site)