HTI UVSeeing Spectral Irradiance Meter
Ultraviolet spectrum irradiance meter uses ultraviolet CCD and ultraviolet specially processed light path. It is used to measure the relative spectral power distribution of UV light sources, peak wavelength, half bandwidth, UVA / B / C band UV irradiance and other parameters.
- Inkjet Printer/ Industral High Precision
Handheld Inkjet Printer
- UVLED/Near IR/Sintering/254nm Erasing
UVSeeing/ Spectral Irradiance Meter
- Conductive/Insulation Materials
- InfiRay 雷射/紅外熱像測距監控
ASKION LRF/ Laser Range Finder
- Turbo Pump/ Vacuum Parts
Optical Thickness Measurement System
ARS/Angle Resolved Scattering
DVC/ Dip-sag Voltage Compensator
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